Friday, 26 August 2011

Shepherds Bush - Goldhawk Rd Fabric shops


 If you have never been to Goldhawk Road looking for fabric then you need to prepare yourself, cos it will 'blow your mind!'

Never have you seen such an incredible mix of quality fabrics at amazing prices.

Classic Textiles, I've been going to since I was a kid, they have ends of lines from big designer names.

I'll go there without a clue of what I gonna make and come away inspired to create loads of stuff.

The fabric choice is just so varied.

You can get a mix of pure and synthetic silks in loads of colours for under £10per metre.

Click on fabric for close-up
   Look at the above amazing 'Digital Print Pure Silk Cerub' fabric £25per mtr but you could get away with buying 60cms (£15 ish) and making a simple top or 1mtr would make a lovely long dress as it's very wide.

I've got some so I might show you what I do with it in a later tutorial!

Click on fabric for close up
  And this is sequined net.
It has such a great weight and drape. £22 per mtr but again to make a lovely tank top with pink ribbing on 'V' neck and around armholes costs about £14, (just like the Missoni Tutorial but make 1inch bigger on each side as fabric is not stretchy)

 A1 Textiles are great for fake furs and more unusual edgy fabrics like, sculptural neoprene and fake snakeskin leather.

Upstairs at A1 they have a new Haberdashery dept that's really handy but for an even bigger selection head into the market next door, I'll be posting about there soon cos it's 'brilliant!'

                And A-Z Fabrics are great for pure silks in loads of colours in loads of shades.
 Silks here are around £6-£8 per metre

Ok well that was all the good news, the really, really bad news is that the Council have given permission to a developer to knock all those shops down.

Some  shops have been there for nearly 100yrs, Classic Textiles 50yrs.
And they're demolishing the Market!

So if you want to get into to sewing, get yourself down there soon, cos it will give you that extra push to really inspire you to get sewing.

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Seamless with Shaz and Tree will show you how to make one-off, fashionable clothes easily. With Upcycling, sewing shortcuts and step by step tutorials. We'll also be doing trips out to our favourite suppliers and markets. We'll give you the tools to create you very own designer clothes
